The People’s Dashboard by Press NYC

Line graph of "New Positive Cases in DOE & Charter Schools (weekly)," separated by students and staff, from October 2021 to October 2022. The chart shows a major spike in cases in January 2022 (totally more than 65,000 cases total), and smaller spikes in May 2022 (peaking at just over 10k cases) and late September (peaking at just over 5k cases). Interactive chart available at link in post.

Parents for Responsible Equitable Safe Schools (PRESS NYC) is a parent collective founded in 2020, spanning NYC zip codes and cultures, to “hold the DOE, the Mayor, and the education press accountable.” Among their projects is The People’s Dashboard, reporting weekly Covid cases in the city as well as confirmed cases in the public schools. In 2020-2021, PRESS NYC also wrote op-eds and held public panels on Covid safety for schools. —Mara Mills