Fire Through Dry Grass

Five Black and brown men (from left to right: Vince, Jay, Tito, Pete and Var) sit in wheelchairs outside, all lined up in a straight horizontal line facing the camera. They wear T-shirts and sneakers and some wear baseball caps. They all look into the camera with serious expressions.
Photo credit: Elias Williams

Jay (second from left) is Co-Director of an upcoming documentary, Fire Through Dry Grassthat is centered on a group of people living at Coler Specialty Hospital on Roosevelt Island, a rehabilitation and nursing center in New York City.

These men formed the Reality Poets, and are part of OPEN DOORS, a network of artists, activists and advocates motivated by community building, gun violence prevention and disability rights, a collective of truth-telling artists bonded through a shared mission to spread a message of realness, resilience and healing.

Fire Through Dry Grass paints a human-scale portrait of the devastation inflicted upon American nursing home residents during the coronavirus pandemic, in particular people of color, immigrants, and formerly incarcerated people. The circumstances they are documenting show how toxic ideas that certain lives matter less, and are a threat, have penetrated long-term care.

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Learn more about Fire Through Dry Grass.