Downstate New York ADAPT Activists in Washington, DC

Activists with signs and their fists in the air

Downstate New York ADAPT activists travelled to Washington, DC on May 9 and 10, 2022, protesting in front of the Capitol to demand accessible, affordable, and integrated housing. The group challenged the nursing home industry as high cost structures with poor and dangerous clinical outcomes, as well as isolation and loneliness by removing disabled people from their communities. The pandemic has exacerbated these already existing issues. The activists have chanted, blocked the traffic, and some of them have been arrested.

Amongst other things, the group is asking for :

1. Expansion of Home and Community Based Services
2. Livable wages for community attendants
3. Accessible, affordable, integrated housing
4. Funding for equipment modifications

For their campaign they are using the following hashtags on Twitter :


—Yan Grenier

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