Crip Fund

Screenshot of a GoFundMe page for Crip Fund, with an image of a small bottle of hand sanitizer with an Ace of Cups tarot image as its label. The page shows that $56,925 was donated during the short fundraiser.

Ninety-five percent of artists lost significant income during the pandemic, with performances and exhibitions cancelled and access to studio spaces restricted. A group of disabled and chronically ill artists organized Crip Fund in March 2020, pooling money and distributing food, medicine, and other aid to “immunocompromised and disabled people in need of in-home care,” noting that “QTBIPoC (Queer/Trans/Black/Indigenous/People of Color) will be prioritized.” Crip Fund ran through GoFundMe for just one month, setting an initial goal of $20,000 that donors nearly tripled.

— Mara Mills