Covid Café

A comic style poster with a headline that says, "Covid Cafe Reflections" at the top. The center is a grid of four illustrated people waving. They each have speech bubbles with their rave reviews.
Artwork Created by Monique Jackson

Covid Café was a collection of drop-in online sessions for people who are experiencing Long Covid’s lasting effects. The Covid Café is hosted by Spare Tyre a “female artist-led participatory theatre company that seeks to reflect society, challenge its prejudices and make life equal.” The sessions were hosted in the first quarter of 2023 and were guided by artist facilitators who also experience Long Covid or other chronic conditions. The warm community hoped to reduce zoom fatigue, center participants and create peace in a time of international strife. Spare Tyre also hosted informational COVID Community Action Learning sessions for people who were interested in collaborating on advocacy projects.

Positive feedback from one participant reads, “It has been such a comfort and I suddenly don’t feel so alone anymore. I know there are lots of us out there. But it felt different to see and hear someone else in the same boat.”

-Stephanie Farmer