Christopher “Unpezverde” Núñez on testing positive for Covid for the 7th time

Christopher stands with crossed arms and a gentle smile against a beige stone wall. He is a muscular male-appearing person, wearing a dark-green hat, a black shirt, khaki shorts, and black sandals. He has hair on his chest and face, tattoos and bracelets on his arms.

August 17, 2023
Source: Instagram page of Christopher “Unpezverde” Núñez, a Visually Impaired choreographer based in NYC.

“8 weeks ago I tested positive for Covid for the seventh time in the last two years. Every time I get infected it takes me 5-6 weeks to recover. This last time it was 9 weeks. I spoke to two doctors, they did multiple tests on me. No one knows why some of us get infected multiple times and others don’t. The only thing that is known is that my immune system is very weak. Yet at least 4 doctors have refused to prescribe treatment for me. The last doctor told me that wearing a mask all day doesn’t help at all.

I had to leave NY. Giving up various commitments and prioritizing my health.


As for covid, I know that for many of you it is in the past. For me and many others it is present. I no longer ask you to wear a mask. I am a realist and prefer to focus my energy on solutions that I can handle.”

— Sasha Kurlenkova