Chella Man: Black Disabled Trans Lives Matter mural

Photograph of a painted mural by artist Chella Man, depicting illustrated hands spelling out the message "Black Disabled Trans Lives Matter" in American Sign Language. The letter "a" in the words "black," "disabled," and "trans" are all connected. The hands are colored using the colors of the trans and Pride flags (including black and brown).
credit: Chella Man, photo: Faye Ginsburg

Photograph of a painted mural by artist Chella Man, located at 112 Christopher Street in Manhattan, depicting illustrated hands spelling out the message “Black Disabled Trans Lives Matter” in American Sign Language. As Chella Man notes on his website:

Prior to painting, I realized the identities “Black”, “Disabled”, and “Trans” are all centered around the letter ‘A.’

To represent this connection, I wanted to emphasize the intersections within the identities themselves.

They all fall under the same system of oppression.

And if we are to effectively dismantle the system, we have to understand how inseparable our communities are.

We are not free until we’re all free.