Chalkbeat Reports on Disabled NYC Students during Covid

Screenshot of Chalkbeat article titled "How remote learning upended instruction for NYC students with disabilities and their families" featuring an image of a mother holding her son.

Chalkbeat, a nonprofit education reporting platform that covers 8 U.S. cities, added Covid reporting to its ongoing series about learning differences and special education in the New York City schools. A June 17, 2020 article offers an overview of the ways “remote learning upended instruction for NYC students with disabilities and their families.” Cancelled physical therapy sessions, new online obstacles to access, lack of live instruction and prior accommodations set many students back, although some disabled students reported a preference for remote access.

See also:

4/8/2020: “NYC gives the OK to shrink special education services amid coronavirus upheaval

11/30/2020:  “NYC students with disabilities denied crucial services during remote learning, suit alleges

—Mara Mills