Disability Covid Chronicles

Disability Covid Chronicles

The NYU Center for Disability Studies is documenting the experiences of disabled and chronically ill people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disabled people, especially people of color and those living in nursing homes or other congregate housing, have been at greatest risk of infection and death from COVID-19. Our team is preparing an edited volume based on two years (and counting) of research and living in New York City in a state of pandemic. The sixteen chapters document disability communities that have been disproportionately impacted by city and national policies, work and housing conditions, stigma, racism, and violence as much as the virus itself. In the shadow of “risk,” we report on a variety of disability experiences including incarceration, low wage and essential work, maternal mental health, anti-Asian violence, senior centers, migrant detention centers, Long Covid, public schools, the MTA, blindness and digital accessibility, caregiving, arts workers, and the Black Lives Matter protests.

In collaboration with community members, we are also building a publicly-accessible archive to preserve memories, stories, artworks, and other materials in a range of accessible formats. We are preserving conversations on social media, records of digital public meetings, and photographs of street art and actions that are otherwise ephemeral. Our goal is to chronicle not only vulnerabilities, but creative initiatives for survival under these new conditions that are structured by old inequalities.



graphic of open book

How to be Disabled in a Pandemic

Our team is currently finalizing an edited volume (under contract with NYU Press), based on two years (and counting) of research and living in New York City in a state of pandemic. The sixteen chapters document disability communities that have been disproportionately impacted by city and national policies, work and housing conditions, stigma, racism, and violence — as much as by the virus itself.

Essays & Interviews from Research-in-Progress


Our Fieldnotes section highlights notable ephemera and other materials — photographs, posters, artwork, event documentation, social media campaigns, and beyond — encountered during our research that document the experiences of diverse disabled people during the Covid-19 pandemic.​

A cover of the podcast page: against the black background, there is a writing in white big letters “Death Panel”. Below it, in smaller font, there is the name of the episode (“The Unwinding”) and the date of its release (March 30, 2023).

“The Unwinding”

“Death Panel”, a podcast about the political economy of health, presents an acute critical analysis of the dual news of the upcoming Medicaid Redetermination starting...

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Share Your Stories & Materials

Photograph of a painted mural by artist Chella Man, depicting illustrated hands spelling out the message "Black Disabled Trans Lives Matter" in American Sign Language. The letter "a" in the words "black," "disabled," and "trans" are all connected. The hands are colored using the colors of the trans and Pride flags (including black and brown).
credit: Chella Man, photo: Faye Ginsburg

In addition to the ethnographic interviews and oral histories initiated by our team of faculty and graduate students, we are eager to be in dialogue with any members of the community who wish to have their experiences preserved. Our digital repository will be preserved and made accessible by the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, a part of NYU Special Collections, at New York University.

We invite you to share your experiences in one of the following ways: Testimonials, Images & Artifacts, and Interviews / Oral Histories.